Poor Kitty Cat, Woodbridge Virginia Animal Care Center

Poor Kitty Cat

571-285-4319  www.VARealEstateExperts.com

So today’s blog post doesn’t have anything to do with Real Estate, well maybe a little bit.
Early this morning I had to bring my kitty to the vet to getting fixed. I feel terrible for him but of course that’s what responsible pet owners are supposed to do, but that doesn’t make me feel any better. I know many of the pet owners out there fell just like I. They really feel bad for their animal but know that its best for the animal now and in the long run. I remember when one of my friends had to bring in her dog to getting him neutered. She felt so bad for him and the dog had to stay over night at the vet. Luckily I can pick up my Blackie later this afternoon, he will not have to stay overnight. Long story short with my friends dog, the vet told her he had to rest for a while, but trying to tell that to an active young dog is easier said then done. He was back to his regular puppy routine so quickly and he forgot all about the procedure. I hope the same for my Blackie.
I am glad I have such a great vet. The team at Crossroads Animal Care Center are really good and I know they will take good care of my little cat. If you are looking for a great Vet, I highly recommend Crossroads Animal Care Center. I first learned about them from my friends at Animal Allies Woodbridge, that’s where I adopted my cat from.
Already got a call from the vet saying my little Blackie is doint fine and that I can pick him up later this afternoon. It is really strange not having him with me in the office.