Stop paying your Landlord’s Mortgage – Put Money into your own pocket

FREE Home Buyers Seminar 

Are you still renting and paying your landlord’s mortgage payment and making your landlord rich? During our free home buyers seminar you can find out how you can purchase a home and become your own landlord, paying the same amount or even less than what you currently pay in rent towards your mortgage payment. Invest into your own future rather then helping your landlord pay off their home. 

The home buyers seminar will provide you great information on how to become your own landlord. One of the region’s top loan officers will be present talking about how you can purchase a home with no money down, with downpayment assistance or downpayment as low as 3.5 %. Interest Rates are at historic lows right now making this a great time to thinking about homeownership.

Don’t miss this great opportunity to speaking with loan officers, getting your credit score analized, making loan application, talking to settlement agent, a representative from a home warranty and of courese speaking with an award winning Real Estate Agent that can give you the ins and outs of home ownership and that can tell you the do’s and don’t’s when buying your home. When you purchase a home it is very important to have someone in your corner that can guide you through the process and that knows what they are doing.

I became a Real Estate Agent because I wanted to help home buyers realize their dreams and because I had a bad experience with when I was looking for a Real Estate Agent when I wanted to purchase my first home. So trust me I know what it takes to help home buyers and be there for you all the way. I live and work in Woodbridge VA and I am very familiar with Woodbridge and the surrounding area. Call me today to set up a home buyers consultation 571-446-0002 or register for the Free Home Buyers Seminar at but again if you are ready now to get the process started call me and I will be happy to set up a personal consultation with you.